Tuesday, May 8th, 2012


The poems studied in Form One are: ‘The River’ – Valerie Bloom and ‘Mr. Nobody’ – Unknown author. There is only one short story to study and that is: ‘Flipping Fantastic’ – Jane Langford and apart from that you have to study a Novel. Let’s review each one of them so that you will be prepared for your examination.


The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language

  1. Black Beauty                                      –           Anna Sewell
  2. Journey to The Centre of the Earth    –           Jules Verne
  3. TheBoscombeValley  Mystery        –           Arthur Conan Doyle



Synopsis of ‘Black Beauty’

Black Beauty tells of the life of Black Beauty, a colt living inEngland.  The story begins with Black Beauty having a happy childhood growing up in the peaceful countryside. In his later years, he encounters cruelty. Things go from bad to worse when Black Beauty’s new owners begin renting him out for profit. Black Beauty endures a life of mistreatment and disrespect in a world that shows little regard for the happiness of animals. However, the story ends on a happy note. Black Beauty spends the rest of his days treated well on a farm.


Synopsis of ‘Boscombe Valley Mystery’


A man named Charles McCarthy has been murdered. McCarthy was killed by a blow to the back of the head while standing next to Boscombe Pool. Witnesses saw McCarthy walking towards the pool, followed quickly by his son, James; they also saw the two of them fighting violently. James is found near the body of his father with blood on his hands. Inspector Lestrade, the Scotland Yard officer who loves giving Holmes a hard time, is sure that James is guilty. But Holmes keeps defending James: after all, he notes, “Cooee” is an Australian cry, and McCarthy’s last words weren’t “a rat” but “Ballarat,” an Australian city name. Fortunately, James’s case is dismissed due to lack of evidence, James marries Miss Turner, and John Turner takes his secret to the grave seven months later.


Synopsis of  ‘Journey to the Centre of the Earth’

A German scientist, Otto Lidenbrock, discovered the existence of a volcanic tube or tunnel that lead to the centre of the earth. His discovery was based on a cryptic note that was found in an old manuscript he had bought. His nephew, Axel who helped him decipher the coded message and Hans, their guide, set off to explore the tunnel. They encountered astonishing sights of prehistoric animals, plants, natural disasters and unusual landscapes. The living creatures that they met represent the different era or time from the beginning of earth. The geological time is depicted in layers which are synonymous to the rock layers of the earth. The tunnel ended in Italy.


Sample Question 1:

Write about an incident that you think is important. Give reasons why you think the incident is important.

The most exciting part or important moment in the story is when Black Beauty gets injured while riding Mr. Reuben Smith one late night.  Reuben Smith is the new stable boy. There is a loose nail in Beauty’s front shoe. While riding, Beauty feels his shoe slip off and the stones on the road split his shoeless hoof. Black Beauty stumbles and falls. Reuben falls and is hurt. When the riders come by at midnight, they find that Reuben is dead. Black Beauty is badly injured on his knees. He is brought back to the stable and is treated. However it takes a long time for him to heal and he ends up with scars on his knees. This is the turning point in Black Beauty’s life. Beauty is put up for sale after he is healed. Black Beauty cannot work as a carriage horse and is put up for sale. He becomes a job horse and is rented to different people. Some do not know how to ride him well and some mistreat him. He is also up for sale for a few times. Reuben’s negligence has caused Black Beauty to endure sufferings.


Sample Question 2:

Write about a character that you find most interesting. Support your answer with evidence from the novel.

The character in the Boscombe Valley Mystery I find the most interesting is definitely Dr. Watson. He is a loyal companion of detective Sherlock Holmes. He agreed to help Sherlock Holmes although he had a lot of patients to see. He is also very punctual. Although he had only half an hour to get ready, he was at the station on time. Apart from that he is very observant. He notices some unusual footprints at the pool. Watson’s notes about the injury the murder victim had sustained which is a blow to the left side of the head actually prompted Holmes to realise that the killer was left-handed, which allowed him to narrow the list of suspects. He is also a concerned man. He asks Alice about her father’s condition. He is also helpful. He brings the pen and paper for John turner to write the confession.


Sample Question 3:

Write about a moral value you have learnt in the story. Support your answer with evidence from the novel.

The moral value that I have learnt from the novel “Journey to the Centre of the Earth” is never to give up. I admire Professor Otto Lidenbrock, Axel, and Hans who went to Sneffels where they were let down by cloudy skies. But on the last day the sun comes out and they enter the correct crater. Once in they face many mishaps like being in a chamber filled with combustible gas and face several prehistoric creatures. After the journey they return to Hamburg to great acclaim–Professor Lidenbrock is hailed as one of the greatest scientists of history.



Reviewing the short Story ‘Flipping Fantastic”


Flipping Fantastic is a story presented in the form of diary or journal entries. It conveys the thoughts of twin brothers, Tristan and James and their mother. The twin boys have always been together and for the first time they have to go to two different schools. Tristan who is a disabled, wheel-chair bound boy will be going to Chesterlea Grange, a residential school for special children. His brother James will be going to Highfields, a normal secondary school. Since James and Tristan have always been together, both James and their mother are worried about Tristan’s well being in the new school. Tristan on the other hand was experiencing mixed feelings about leaving the familiar Peter Hill Primary and starting at Chesterlea Grange. In the end, both Tristan and James decide that they would make it on their own if they set their mind to it.

Sample Essay type Question:

Tristan and James are as different as day and night although they are twins. Describe the differences in their characters as depicted in the story Flipping Fantastic by Jane Langford


Sample Answer:

Tristan has a positive disposition with high self-esteem. He has high linguistic skills. He is also very friendly and makes friends easily. He has shown that he is mature by agreeing that Chelsea Grange is the right school for him. James on the other hand has low self esteem, timid and lacks confidence. He wants Tristan to reconsider his decision about going to Chelsea Grange.

Sample Multiple –Choice type questions:

Questions 1 – 3 are based on extract from the short story Flipping Fantastic



I am so relieved! Tristan has just told Mum that he doesn’t want to go to Chesterlea after all. That means he will be coming to Highfields with me. Thank goodness for that! I don’t know how I would have managed without him. I was already thinking up a million excuses not to go to school on the first day. I’ve thought of every illness from bubonic plague to yellow fever. Somehow I don’t think that Mum would have believed any of them!

I know that Highfields probably won’t be half as bad as I think but I’m still very glad that Tristan will be there with me. He can look after me and I can look after him. I can help him with his wheelchair up all the ramps in the corridors and I can hold back the automatic doors when they start to close too soon. I can make sure that he can get to the toilet when he needs to, and I can tell the teacher what he can and can’t do in PE.




1.         Why was James relieved?

A.        Tristan would be with James

B.        Tristan would not be at Highfields

C.        James could manage without Tristan

D.        Tristan was going to Chesterlea Grange



2.         If Tristan was not going with James, he thought of many excuses just to

A.        go to Chesterlea

B.        go to Highfields

C.        manage without Tristan

D.        quit school on the first day



3.         James wants his brother to do all the following except

            A.        His brother can look after James

B.        Help his brother with his wheelchair

C.        James can look after his brother

D.        Help James to hold back the automatic doors



Reviewing the poem – ‘The River’ by Valerie Bloom


The river being an element of nature, takes its physical form by flowing through valleys and hills. The river is continuously moving as it twists and turns to find its way through the plains. Along its course, it retains whatever it collects.  It is alive as it gurgles, murmurs, sings and dances along its route. However, the river can also create natural disasters such as erosion or floods.


Sample Questions For the poem-The River


1.         Which of these statements is true?

A.        The river chooses where it wants to go

B.        The river has set a camp by the bank

C.        The river is always in motion

D.        The river likes wanderers


2.         The river represents

A.        the journey in man’s life

B.        the good nature of man

C.        the fear in man

D.        the destructive nature of man



3.         Why does the river twist and turn?

A.        To avoid hard objects

B.        It likes to twist and turn

C.        It is flowing continuously

D.        It keeps a lot of objects


ANSWER: 1.C    2. A.   3. A


Reviewing the poem ‘Mr. Nobody’ (Author Unknown)

Synopsis of the Poem

The poem is about a mysterious little person who creates a lot of mischief in the house and gets away with it. This person is named as Mr. Nobody to give a shroud of mystery to the persona. He is not noticed as he moves around very quietly. Mr. Nobody makes a mess of things in the house. He uses things but never puts them back in order. He dirties the house, leaves his prints everywhere, soils the carpet and the curtains. When things are misplaced in the house, everyone points the finger to Mr. Nobody. Yet he never gets caught as no one has ever seen him or reports of his deeds.


Sample Questions For the poem Mr. Nobody


Mr. Nobody (stanza1)

I know a funny little man,

As quiet as a mouse,

Who does the mischief that is done

In everybody’s house!

There’s no one ever sees his face,

And yet we all agree

That every plate we break was cracked

By Mr. Nobody  

                                                                      Author Unknown

1.         According to the first stanza, everyone……….:

A.        agrees that Mr. Nobody creates all the mischief

B.        has seen the person who is funny

C.        knows that Mr. Nobody is actually a mouse that runs around the house.

D.        knows Mr. Nobody goes around disturbing everyone.


2.         The use of the simile ‘ As quiet as a mouse’ implies that Mr. Nobody is….

A.        so quiet that he is unnoticed

B.        as dirty as the house mouse

  1. able to walk fast just like a mouse

D.        a  person who will not talk


3.         The poem is about…

A.        a funny invisible person

B.        mischief created by someone

C.        a naughty boy

D.        Mr. Nobody’s life



Answer: 1. A.    2. A.    3. B


SECTION A: Questions 1 – 10 are based on the information given


Mother: Milah, please set the table for me.

Milah : Yes mum I will do it now.

  1. From the dialogue, we know that Milah is…

A  obedient*

B. disobedient

C. not helpful

D. very lazy


 House for Rent

*Fully Furnished

*Near KTM station

Rental: RM900.00

Interested,please contact the owner: Ms Irene(012-66677712


  1. Choose the incorrect statement about the house above.
    1. Someone is already renting the house.*
    2. The house belongs to Ms Irene.
    3. The rental has been fixed.
    4. The location is close the KTM station



Replacing Water Pipes

Water supply will be disrupted in several areas from

9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Monday, 26 December 2011


3.         Why will the water supply be disrupted?

A. There is a major breakdown

B. To conduct regular checks

C. There is not enough water supply

D  Maintenance work will be carried out*



Gently apply on skin


For external use only


  1. The medication is probably used by those suffering from
    1. Breathing problems
    2. Sore throats
    3. Minor burns*
    4. Eye disease


Pandora Mini Market

No Plastic Bag Day

“No Plastic Bag Day’ Campaign will take effect every Saturday.

Consumers who request for plastic bags will be charged

20 cents per bag



  1. From the advertisement, we understand that consumers at Pandora Mini market
    1. are provided with plastic bags everyday when they shop
    2. do not have to bring their own bags even on Saturdays
    3. need to purchase the plastic bags if they need to use them*
    4. will understand that there is a shortage of plastic bags




—————————–Paradise Community Service Centre







  1. The slogan above shows that the community centre
    1. will not provide assistance all the time
    2. is likely to be a profit making company
    3. is likely to be a place to request for assistance*
    4. will give preference to the people they know









Book this holiday package and you will save up to 30% OFF the normal price with Rake Travels.

Valid till 15th October 2011



  1. The advertisement…………………….people to plan their vacation earlier.
    1. guides
    2. instructs
    3. encourages*
    4. forces





Online learning made simple

An education portal, designed to help a young boy catch up with his peers, is launched in Malaysia to complement learning English and Maths in school.













  1. The word complement can best replaced with
    1. To come late
    2. To study
    3. To help*
    4. To learn


Many realise when it is too late

They may be small but termites or more commonly known as white ants have the power to bring down an entire house.

Little did they know that their roof was slowly being devoured by termites. They only realised the extent of the problem when fine dust started falling from the roof.


  1. What is being realized too late?
    1. Termites are bringing down the house*
    2. The roof of the house is broken
    3. The house is dusty
    4. Small animals are very powerful



2011 Sales Carnival

Only in November

Mega Sale!

Pay less for More!

Come visit us now


  1. Which of the following is true about the advertisement?
    1. Customers can buy all kinds of products
    2. Customers can only shop in November
    3. The sale is on throughout the year.
    4. The sale can help one get things for a cheaper price.






Questions 11 – 20 are based on the following text.


Backpacking stands to be a very “mobile” version of camping. It (11)____________hiking and backpacking all rolled into one fun filed activity. Ideally backpacking recreationists have to travel light, bringing with them only the necessary of items, as distances are covered (12)___________ foot when it comes to backpacking. Hiking across lakes and hiking trails, backpackers (13)_________  pitch a tent at ideal pitching spots, rest for the night, break camp, and “hike along”.

Generally, Backpacking campsites (14)_________ free, while equipment don’t exactly cost as much as regular camping equipment. Bottom line, the thing with backpacking is basically, backpackers have to travel light, considering the stresses of having to carry heavy loads while walking.

(15)___________Canoe Camping as another outdoor recreational activity is where the hiking in backpacking is replaced with canoeing. Canoe Camping is quite the recreational activity, (16)_________ “adventurers” the rush of being able to unwind. Another “variation” of the popular outdoor recreational activity is Bicycle Touring. (17)__________ actually combines both cycling and camping. Bicycles are basically the items (18)____________ as the primary means of transportation in Bicycle touring, as well as carrying the necessary camping gear.

If you are considering skydiving, chances are you need to act quickly before you change your mind. There is no (19)_____________ thrill in the world than experiencing falling through the wind at 120 mph, and it is an experience you are sure to never forget. With so many websites and information on the internet about skydiving, it can be confusing (20)_____________ to understand where to go for your daring experience.



  1. A. involve
    1. involves*
    2. involved
    3. involving


  1. A. of

B. for

C. by*

D. at


13.      A.   can

B.   may*

C.   need

D.   must

14.        A.   is

  1. are*
  2. was
  3. were


15.   A.  Then





16              A.  give

  1. gives
  2. gave
  3. giving*


17              A.  It*

  1. Its
  2. They
  3. Which


18              A.  use

  1. used*
  2. user
  3. users


19.       A. best

B. great

C. greater*

D. greatest

20.        A. try

B. tries

C. trials

D. trying



Questions 21 – 23

Read the conversation below and choose the best meaning for the phrases underlined.


Marli              :           I was really terrified last night.

Sera                 :           What happened? Tell us what happened!

Marli              :           Suddenly, out of nowhere two men (21) turned up at our front gate.

Sera                 :           Then?

Marli               :           They demanded us to let them in. My dad tried to(22) take off their masks but failed. Luckily, in the meantime, my sister had already called the police with her mobile phone in the room.

Sera                 :           Was your dad hurt?

Marli               :           No, the police arrived on time and caught them! Luckily we can (23) rely on the police force.


21.       turned up

A         stay for the night

B         appeared*

C         stood

D         called us



22.       take off

A         remove*

B         show

C         repair

D         return



23.       rely on

A         help

B         direct

C         depend*

D         lose


Questions 24 – 26

Read the conversation below and choose the best meaning for the phrases underlined.


Jalil     :           I am so glad that the practice is over!


Saleh   :           Let’s go and unwind (24).


Jalil     :           Let’s go see a movie.


Saleh   :           Oh! I have to back out(25).


Jalil     :           Why?


Saleh   :           I just remembered my uncle said he will come over (26) to my house                   today. I want to see him.



24.       unwind

A.        enjoy

B.         work

C.        relax*

D.         dance




25.       back out

A.           withdraw*

B.           return

C.           walk out

D.           follow



26.       come over

A.        go

B.        visit*

C.        leave

D.        call






Questions 27 – 32 are based on the following notice.





1. Take advantage of campus activities.

Student groups and organizations are a good place to start to look for a list of upcoming events. You might be surprised to find out how much you can save on the weekend by going to a few free things every once in a while.

2. Use student discounts.

This could be a cheaper ticket to the movies, a free drink with your meal or even a percentage off your purchase at your favorite retail clothing store.

3. Buy used.

You can also buy used products when it comes to books and other class requirements. And then at the end of the year, you can sell your books and furniture before leaving campus to make some extra cash.

4. Host group events.

Often times, buying and cooking for one can be tricky. Buying for a group can actually be more cost-effective (food isn’t going to waste) and cooking is easier (since most recipes are written for more than one serving). Rotate who cooks and who hosts, but every time divide the grocery bill amongst everyone that comes

5. Look for other alternatives.

Pack a lunch or a snack rather than going out to eat in between classes.


6. Watch sales.

Keep an eye out for sales on items you purchase regularly. Paying a sale price for the things you use on a daily basis will save you money in the long run.

7. Walk, bike, carpool, or ride the bus.

A monthly or semester bus pass could save you money on gas for those trips that are too far for your bike. If you have no alternative to driving yourself to class, find neighbours or classmates that want to carpool. You’ll all save money on petrol and parking!


8. Cut back on utilities.

Try using natural light during the day and turning off all unnecessary lights. Taking timed showers and only doing full loads of laundry (whenever possible) can save money on the water bill. On top of saving money, you are also being more environmentally-friendly!

These eight ideas can help minimize a few of the most common financial burdens as a college student. This way, you can spend your time worrying about more important things.




27.       Why is car-pooling advisable?

A.        It reduces expenses*

B.        It reduces travelling

C.        Easier to for holidays

D.        Chance to get together.



28.       When we buy used books, it is advised here that we could also…

A. throw them away

B. sell them and earn cash

C. give them away

D. keep them for reference



29.       Budget-conscious consumers should do all the following except

A.  cook your own food

B.  cut down on utilities

C.  go for vacation abroad*

D. change their buying habits



30.       What does the phrase “ natural light” mean?

A.  make your own light

B.  sunlight*

C.  indoor light

D. torchlight


31.       “Carpool” means

A. Pull each others cars

B. Go in many cars together

C. Travel in the same car everyday

D. Share a car with friends to travel*



32.       The main purpose of this notice is to encourage people to…

A. to be more sociable

B. live happily

C. live a healthy life

D. learn to be thrifty*



Questions 32-40 are based on the following passage.


Puan Zainab couldn’t help noticing Mr. Lee her new neighbour, as she was sweeping the sitting-room. It was past 5. He would usually be back home from work by 4.30 and would have gone into the house. But today he was sitting on the culvert of his house.

“Khalid,” she called out to her husband who was comfortably seated on an armchair reading the newspaper. “Yes?” he replied.

“Our new neighbour, Mr Lee has been sitting on the culvert for the past 30 minutes. I wonder if he needs anything . Why don’t you say ‘Hello!’ and ask if you could be of help?”

“What makes you so sure he needs help?” Encik Khalid said standing up to look at Mr Lee. Indeed he looked troubled. So, Encik Khalid went out and bending over the low wall that divided their houses, he asked if he could be of help. The answer was “Yes”. Mr Lee had accidentally locked the doors with the keys inside. Immediately Puan Zainab, who was listening, brought out all the keys she had and Mr Lee started trying them one by one. Fortunately one key did get the door unlocked. Mr Lee was most grateful.





32.       Pn Zainab’s neighbour looked…

A. happy

B. sad

C. frightened

D. worried*


33.       Where was Mr Lee sitting?

A. inside the house

B. near the drain*

C. at the porch

D. in the garden


34.       What happened to Mr Lee?

A. He lost his way

B. He could not get into the house*

C. He was in trouble

D. He felt tired after sitting for a long time.


35.       How did En Khalid react to his wife?

A. He did not take heed

B. He did what she wanted him to do*

C. He carried on reading the newspaper.

D. He brought all the keys he had




36.       The word “troubled” means

A. worried*

B. unsafe

C. frightening

D. irritated


37.       How long was Mr. Lee sitting outside his house?

A. about half an hour*

B. about an hour

C. since 5 pm

D. since 4 pm


38.       We can describe Puan Zainab as a…

A. busy body

B. concerned neighbour*

C. nagging wife

D. nasty neighbour


39.       The phrase ‘most grateful” implies that En Khalid was…

A. happy*

B. unhappy

C. still sad

D. still worried


40.       What had happened to En Khalid’s keys?

A. He had left them in his office

B. They are missing

C. Someone had stolen them

D. He left them in the house*


















Section A : Guided Writing


You are advised to spend about 40 minutes on this question.

Using the pictures and notes below, write an article for your school magazine about your experience at a gotong royong activity.


Gathered in school

Divided into groups

Briefed by teachers

different locations in the school’s premises

Enhancing friendship


1Malaysia spirit

Please add more details to make your composition more interesting. Your composition should be more than 120 words.



























SECTION B: Literature Component




The River

The River’s a wanderer,

A nomad, a tramp,

He doesn’t choose one place

To set up his camp

The River’s a winder,

Through valley and hill

He twists and he turns,

He just cannot be still.

                                    Valerie Bloom



  1. Why does the river twist and turn?





  1. Based on the poem, what does the river represent?

























The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language.




  1. The Boscombe Valley Mystery         –                    Arthur Conan Doyle
  2. Black Beauty                                      –                    Anna Sewell
  3. The Journey to the Centre of the Earth –                    Jules Verne



Based on one of the novels above explain why you like or dislike the ending of the story. Give reasons to support your answer. Provide evidence from the text to support your answer.



Your response should be:

  • in not less than 50 words
  • in continuous writing form (not note form)

























Section C : Summary


Read the passage and complete the following task.


By definition, open burning occurs when you burn anything outside. Depending on the circumstances, open burning may or may not be a violation.


Open burning produces smoke, which is made up of fine particles. When inhaled, fine particles can accumulate in the respiratory system causing various respiratory problems including persistent coughs, wheezing and physical discomfort.


Additionally, breathing these fine particles can increase susceptibility to respiratory infections and can aggravate existing respiratory diseases such as asthma and chronic bronchitis. Even short-term exposure to smoke can cause respiratory problems.


In the environment, chemicals contained in smoke, when mixed with rainwater, can speed in the deterioration of man-made materials such as concrete, metal products and paint.


Open Burning, even in the confines of a barrel, can easily get out of hand. The smoke is not the only thing that can cause damage to human and environmental health, when the flames get out of control nothing is safe.


Backyard burning is also frequently the cause of residential, brush, and forest fires, particularly during drought conditions. In some states up to 35 percent of wildfires were started by uncontrolled burning of garbage, brush, and grass. Often, fire hazards are caused by burn piles or barrels left unattended, which grow too large or are not fully extinguished.


What Happens to Bullies?

In the end, most bullies wind up in trouble. If they keep acting mean and hurtful, sooner or later they may have only a few friends left — usually other kids who are just like them. The power they wanted slips away fast. Other kids move on and leave bullies behind.

Luis lived in fear of Brianevery day he would give his lunch money to Brian but he still beat him up. He said that if Luis ever told anyone he would beat him up in front of all the other kids in his class. Luis even cried one day and another girl told everyone that he was a baby and had been crying. Luis was embarrassed and felt so bad about himself and about school. Finally, Brian got caught threatening Luis and they were both sent to the school counselor. Brian got in a lot of trouble at home. Over time, Brian learned how to make friends and ask his parents for lunch money. Luis never wanted to be friends with Brian but he did learn to act strong and more confident around him.

Some kids who bully blame others. But every kid has a choice about how to act. Some kids who bully realize that they don’t get the respect they want by threatening others. They may have thought that bullying would make them popular, but they soon find out that other kids just think of them as trouble-making losers.

The good news is that kids who are bullies can learn to change their behavior. Teachers, counselors, and parents can help. So can watching kids who treat others fairly and with respect. Bullies can change if they learn to use their power in positive ways. In the end, whether bullies decide to change their ways is up to them. Some bullies turn into great kids. Some bullies never learn.

But no one needs to put up with a bully’s behavior. If you or someone you know is bothered by a bully, talk to someone you trust. Everyone has the right to feel safe, and being bullied makes people feel unsafe. Tell someone about it and keep telling until something is done.





Write a summary on how open burning affects us.

Your summary must:

  • not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below
  • be in continuous writing (not note form)
  • be written in one paragraph


Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning.

Begin your summary as follows:

Open burning produces smoke, which is made up of fine…









 Section A : Guided Writing


I took part in a gotong-royong at my school recently. Our parents were also roped in the project. Led by the school’s senior assistant, Pn Jamiah, and Parent-Teacher Association head En Alias, many of us turned up as early as 7am and swung into action within minutes.

We were divided into groups and briefed on what to do by our teachers. We were then sent to different locations within the school premises with one aim — to clean all the rubbish. Armed with brooms, dustpans and garbage bags, we went all over the place — the school’s Hall, the toilets, reflexology garden, the field and classrooms. A lorry from the Municipal Council was also brought in to remove the garbage.

The gotong-royong also helped enhance respect and teamwork among students of different races. State rural development, consumer affairs and public amenities committee chairman, who launched the event, commended us, the students and our parents for sacrificing their day off for the clean-up. He said, “It is good to see the parents, teachers and students taking part in the activity. This effort should truly be praised.” Such activities also helped strengthen the spirit of camaraderie among the students and their sense of belonging to the school.

We must love our school because it is here that we learn most things in life. We owe this much to our school. Such activities would also enhance the spirit of 1Malaysia as they allowed parents and students to take part in activities for common benefit.


Section B : Literature Component



  1. 1.      it is flowing continuously and thus twists and turns at the obstacles along the way.
  2. 2.      the journey in a man’s life- with good times  and bad times as life goes on.



.…… I like the ending in the novel Black beauty. It ends on a happy note for Beauty as he spends the rest of his days in Farmer Thoroughgood’s meadows. Here it shows that by being hardworking and responsible, one can achieve success in life.  Beauty being an obedient horse reaps the benefits in his old age. The death of Ginger is also a good ending for the novel.  Although I feel sad reading the death of Ginger, I empathise with her as there is an end to her suffering. Ginger now no longer needs to suffer at the hands of cruel masters and she finally finds peace in her death.  Another ending which I like is when Joe Green recognises Black Beauty in Farmer Thoroughgood’s farm and is overjoyed to see Beauty. This portrays the human touch in man and is heart-rending. Beauty is recognised for his good deeds and loyalty to his previous master Squire Gordon and this also shows that good manners come from good upbringing.




Section C: Summary



Open burning produces smoke, which is made up of fine particles. When inhaled, they can accumulate in the respiratory system causing various respiratory problems. In the environment, chemicals contained in smoke, when mixed with rainwater, can speed in the deterioration of man-made materials. Backyard burning causes residential, brush, and forest fires, particularly during drought conditions. Often, fire hazards are caused by burn piles or barrels left unattended.

Some kids who bully blame others. But every kid has a choice about how to act. Some kids who bully realize that they don’t get the respect they want by threatening others. They may have thought that bullying would make them popular, but they soon find out that other kids just think of them as trouble-making losers.

The good news is that kids who are bullies can learn to change their behavior. Teachers, counselors, and parents can help. So can watching kids who treat others fairly and with respect. Bullies can change if they learn to use their power in positive ways. In the end, whether bullies decide to change their ways is up to them. Some bullies turn into great kids. Some bullies never learn.

But no one needs to put up with a bully’s behavior. If you or someone you know is bothered by a bully, talk to someone you trust. Everyone has the right to feel safe, and being bullied makes people feel unsafe. Tell someone about it and keep telling until something is done.